
IGMC Day 3 : A Small Amount of Prototyping and a lot of Thinking and Writing

Hi Everyone,

Today I did a little bit more prototyping and figured out how I was going to do the Weapon and Armour stats as well as making a map to test finding hidden items.

I also typed up a short description of what I wanted all my Weapons, Armour, and Items to do as well what my four classes specialise in.

Tomorrow I plan on coming up with all the monsters and working out how much of each stat I will use.

Altogether I am happy with the progress I have made and if I stick to my shcdule should have a nice little game to enter into the competition :)

Seeya Later,


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IGMC Day 2 : Prototyping Again

Hi Everyone,

I experimented some more today and managed to get it to basically do what I wanted using just events and then decided to change the way it worked.

So I think I have it at a point where I am happy to go on to prototype the next feature tomorrow : Weapons and Armour that have different stats depending on your class.

Once I get that done I think I'll start on the descriptions for everything and then onto the monsters and the boss.

Seeya Later,


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IGMC Day 1 : Prototyping

Hi Everyone,

Well I just spent around an hour trying to create a hidden item that emits sound as you get closer to its location.

I was partly successful in getting it done using only eventing and I'm going to tweak it tomorrow to get it the way I want it.

I was able to get it the way I want using only eventing and a line of script in conditional branches though.

The reason I want it done using only eventing is for a learning experience mainly.

Well I'm heading off to bed so I can do some more work on it tomorrow.

Seeya Later,


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