
  08:18:00 pm by , Categories: On The Farm

We are now back from holidays and are back into the full swing of things.

The Lord has been gracious to us in that while we where away not watering our garden especially during the heat wave, we did not loose all our fruit and vegetables. We only lost the cucumbers, lettuces and rock melon. The button squashes, zucchini, egg plant and tomatoes are now coming back well with watering. I have now planted lettuce and capsicum seedlings. and I hope to plant a whole lot more seeds into trays to keep them out of the heat till they are established.


  09:08:55 pm by , Categories: Main , Tags: birthday, eternity, psalm 90_10, ten, threescore

Today marks my 50th Birthday, (Twoscore and ten)

Psalm 90:10

10The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

So that means I have reach the milestone of 3/4 of my allotted time, The time has flown and the future time will fly, but eternity will last forever.

Are you prepared for eternity?


  06:03:11 pm by , Categories: On The Farm , Tags: corn, cucumber, lettuce, potatoes, self sufficiency, zucchini

It was so good over the holiday period with all the family to be able to
supplement the meals with vegetables from the garden, Corn, lettuce,
cucumber, zucchini and potatoes. On the down side with all the rain the
mosquitoes have made it impossible to keep up with the weeds the new bug
zapper has mowed them down.


  07:02:15 pm by , Categories: Spiritual , Tags: god, isaiah 26_3 4, peace, perfect peace

For this mornings family devotions we read Isaiah 26

Isaiah 26:3,4

3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. 4 Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:

Do we seek to have peace in this life God offers us not only peace but perfect peace, He offers it to those who mind is focused on Him and trust in Him because he is all sufficient.


  04:06:28 pm by , Categories: Main , Tags: homeschooling, proverbs 22_15

If you have sent your children to school, have you ever encounted a comment or attitude from them and wondered " where on earth did this come from, it definitely did not come from this home". A child in Australia spends approximately 1200hrs in school per year this is a whole lot of time to come under the influence of other young peopleand teachers. the word of God says that Proverbs 22:15 "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child;"




Berakiah Community

This will I hope be the recording of our journey to self sufficiency and the building of a christian community. I believe that we as a family have been called to Christian Agrarianism.



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